Friday, March 11, 2011

Some Sort of War.

The fast-food industry is always fighting something and someone about how they are alright to eat and they aren't a cause to weight issues, and health problems.

But infact they are a cause and a help to that problem.

I watched the movie "Super size me" again(its been a while)
in the movie Morgan Spurlock eats only Mcdonalds for thirty days for every meal, three meals a day, only drinking soda and only super sizing the meal if they asked him to.  Sounds simple right?  Well yes, it is a simple thing to do and start, but he also walked under a mile a day every day for the month.
Now, most people would say that its a ridiculous diet to take on and it may be a little crazy.

Yes it is, but the only reason he did the whole reaserch project was to show people the effects it has for lack of exercise and a consumption of artificial foods and by products of food that is processed and changed in many ways.
As opposed to its Mcdonalds or anyother fast-food joints fault to the cause of health problems.
The film was about eating healthier, getting more unprocessed foods and to start not consume as much as we do and as much as we want to.

So I saw another movie which was a follow up to "Super size me" the movie "Fat head".
The movie is a reply saying the fast food in a moderation is alright, which is alright once in a while,
but this movie totally takes away from the point of eating healthy.  Saying that, fast food is alright and even ok to eat a few times a week.  So what was any of his points?
He started off saying that fast food in moderation is alright, so everyday he is eating food from different resturant chains for every meal for a whole month. But theres a problem,
One. He goes to different chains everyday
Two. He is limiting what he is eating every day
Three. He is also exercising everyday saying he can lose weight on a fast-food diet; as opposed to what Spurlock did which was exersised less while on his diet.

So what Tom Naughton is saying is that some of the trans fats and these artifical products are good for you to consume.  The other thing he is saying is that these "Low Fat" "Low cholesterol" products are bad for you and saying that the whole point of "Super size me" was to get you to use these "All natural" products Which is not true.  Morgan was saying the more natural fats is better than artifical fats, in fact Morgan is not a vegan, he eats meat and enjoys meat, but in Fat head, he was saying that he is claiming that fast-food and all these artifical products and by products of meat and other various foods is infact better for us?
I would like to say its not.

In "Super size me" he was saying that eating at those places makes you want to eat at that restaurant, makes you want specific food from that place.  And that the food is addicting and makes you want to have them and you crave them more.  In fact i believe this is true.
In "Fat head" he took those more literally, He went to several different restaurants and stood outside the restaurant to see if they would make him eat the food they sold.  Without a doubt anyone with a brain would know that no one would force him to eat the food, in fact no one would suggest he go inside and order food.
In his movie he kept saying something about having a brain and being smart, but in fact who would go out of their way to talk to him.  So brain yes, smart about that no.
After that he went to a drive through ordered some food, and than asked "would you force me to eat your food?".  Really?  Thats how you come to the conclusion that they do not make you eat their food.

The problem in "Fat head" is he says they dont make you eat their food, and that its all because we dont have self control and that makes us "Stupid" in a sense.
But Tom ate at different restaurants for every day, and he also exersised everynight and didnt drink soda,
Whereas Morgan ate at the same restaurant every day, hardly exersised and only drank soda.
He wanted more of the food(addicted) more of the same food(addicted) felt sick at some points when he didnt eat enough food(addicted) and gained weight because of it.
Tom, drank tea, water, sugar free lemonade and diet coke.
Portioned his meals to about 2000 calories a day and exersised everyday for at least an hour a day.
So on top of having portioned meals, hardly to no soda, eating at different restaurants and exercising every day, that made him lose weight.

So you tell me which sounds like more of a scam.
Eating at the same place every day for three meals a day, no exercise no portion guideline and only drinking soda.
Or eating at different fast food restaurants so he cant get addicted to the food they have there, having a meal plan and calorie guide line, exercising everyday and drinking low sugar, low calorie beverages.
That sounds like one big scam to me.

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